Industry Verticals | GenAI

How various Industry verticals get benefit

Blog 4

From the blog

Build Dataproducts

How Dataknobs help in building data products

Enterprises are most successful when they treat data like a product. It enable to use data in multiple use cases. However data product should be designed differently compared to software product.

Be Data Centric and well governed

Generative AI is one of approach to build data product

Generative AI has enabled many transformative scenarios. We combine generative AI, AI, automation, web scraping, ingesting dataset to build new data products. We have expertise in generative AI, but for business benefit we define our goal to build data product in data centric manner.

Be Data Centric and well governed

Generative AI is one of approach to build data product

Generative AI has enabled many transformative scenarios.

We combine generative AI, AI, automation, web scraping, ingesting dataset to build new data products.

We have expertise in generative AI, but for business benefit we define our goal to build data product in data centric manner.


Generative AI slides

  • Learn generative AI - applications, LLM, architecture
  • See best practices for prompt engineering
  • Evaluate whether you should use out of box foundation model, fne tune or use in-context learning
  • Most important - be aware of concerns, issues, challenges, risk of genAI and LLM
  • See vendor comparison - Azure, OpenAI, GCP, Bard, Anthropic. Review framework for cost computation for LLM
  • Gen AI slides